Active users

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The number of Active Users (active user) measures the success of an Internet product, a online game or a mobile app . The number indicates how many users visit the product or service in a certain period of time, i.e. per month ( MAU , monthly active users), per week ( WAU , weekly active users) or per day ( DAU , daily active users). The peak concurrent users ( PCU ) are also measured .


The ratio of DAU to MAU is a simple way of estimating customer loyalty over time; a higher ratio means a greater likelihood of retention, which can indicate the success of a product. It is believed that ratios above 0.15 are a turning point for growth while sustained ratios above 0.2 mark lasting success.

Active users data can also be used to find times of high traffic and to create behavior models of users that are used for targeted advertising.

Data collection methods and problems

Active users are collected based on unique users who perform certain actions that are seen as signs of activity. These actions include visiting the home page of a website, logging in, commenting on, uploading content, or similar actions using the product. The number of people who have subscribed to a service can also be viewed as an active user for its duration. Each company has its own method of determining the number of active users, and many companies do not provide details on how to calculate them. Some companies also make changes to their calculation method over time. The action that is taken to perceive users as active will significantly affect the quality of the data if it does not accurately reflect the interaction with the product, resulting in misleading data.

Basic actions such as logging in often do not create customer loyalty and increase the number of active users.

See also

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Monthly Active Users (MAU). In: App Store Growth. December 11, 2019, accessed May 30, 2020 (American English).
  2. Hamza Shaban closeHamza ShabanTechnology reporterEmailEmailBioBioFollowFollow: Twitter reveals its daily active user numbers for the first time. Retrieved May 30, 2020 (English).
  3. Peak Concurrent Users | legal definition of Peak Concurrent Users by Law Insider. Retrieved May 30, 2020 .
  4. Understanding Gamer Retention in Social Games using Aggregate DAU and MAU data. Retrieved May 30, 2020 .
  5. DAU / MAU = engagement. In: Gamesbrief. October 26, 2011, accessed May 30, 2020 (American English).
  6. ^ Predicting Active Users' Personality Based on Micro-Blogging Behaviors. Retrieved May 30, 2020 .
  7. ^ Patrick Park, Michael Macy: The paradox of active users . In: Big Data & Society . tape 2 , no. 2 , December 2015, ISSN  2053-9517 , p. 205395171560616 , doi : 10.1177 / 2053951715606164 ( [accessed May 30, 2020]).