After deposit

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After pledge in Austrian property law refers to the re- pledge of a pledge to a third party (after pledge creditor) . The legal regulations can be found in §§ 454 f., 460 ABGB .

The subsequent pledgee may use the pledge instead of the first pledgee to satisfy his own claim. Accordingly, the owner of the pledge, if he has found out about the pledge, may only fulfill his debt to the original pledge holder if the holder of the after pledge has consented, or he must deposit it in court . If he fulfills his debt without the consent of the anal pledge holder, the pledge remains attached to him.


  • Adolf Exner: The Austrian Mortgage Law . Leipzig, 1881. pp. 444-454. ( Internet reference )

Web links

  • see. in addition: §§13 ff GBG and §§ 447ff ABGB