Aggregation of interacting criteria

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Aggregation (from Latin aggregare, to be accepted) stands for summary . It is about the appropriate combination of various criterion values ​​to form a global value, for example with the aim of obtaining the most objective possible ranking between competing individuals. The individual criteria can influence ( interact ) with one another . This aggregation takes place using so-called aggregation functions , which are often suitable mean values ​​of the individual criteria, see. See also the articles Aggregate Function and Aggregation (OLAP) , which were written from the point of view of data aggregation .

Simple example

The following table shows in the first three columns the performance (in points) of 4 students in the subjects mathematics, physics and German. The numerical values ​​in the other columns are explained in the course of the article.

Surname mathematics physics German AT THE GM OWA (1) OWA (2) CI
Peter 19th 16 10 15th 16.0 13.6 17.2 13.40
Paul 13 15th 17th 15th 14.6 14.4 16.0 15.07
Petra 19th 18th 8th 15th 16.4 13.2 17.6 12.33
Paula 8th 19th 18th 15th 14.4 13.2 17.6 15.33

Aggregation functions

Let there be a set of criteria with the characteristics that are to be combined into a global value .

Arithmetic mean (AM)

This is one of the simplest aggregation functions:


AM completely dispenses with the setting of priorities and interaction among the criteria; in the example, the AM column shows no difference between the students.

Weighted Average (GM)

The different weights allow you to set priorities:


If you want to rate the natural sciences higher for certain objectives and B. selects the column GM in the table. With language preference, of course, the picture is different (not included in the table). However, an interaction between the criteria is not yet taken into account here.

Ordered Weighted Average (OWA)

Ordered weighted averages (Engl. Ordered Weighted Average (OWA) ) have been considered for the first time in 1988 by Ronald Robert Yager, see also. If the criterion values ​​are ordered according to size, then OWA is defined by


Extreme OWA's are and that you get for or .

If you want to reward the best possible general education in the example, you have to give the smallest criterion value a high weight, e.g. B. . Then the column OWA (1) results in the table. If, on the other hand, you are rewarded for having top values ​​in at least one subject, then you give the highest criterion value a high weight, e.g. B. . Then the column OWA (2) results in the table. At OWA the criteria interact. B. only set the smallest criterion value if all criterion values ​​are known. The disadvantage of the previous aggregation functions, however, is that they cannot take redundancies or synergies between criteria into account. In the example there is no difference between Petra and Paula. However, one could argue that a student who is good at math will almost automatically be good at physics too; H. the performances in these two subjects show a certain redundancy.

Discrete Choquet Integral (CI)

The discrete CI is the most flexible aggregation function. It is defined by


Where is a normalized capacitance (i.e. ). is the set of criteria whose values ​​are at least as large as the i-th value in the ranking . For three criteria , the discrete CI is detailed as follows:


If, for example, with mathematics, physics and German and more

(all subjects are equivalent)
(Redundancy between math and physics)
(slight synergy),

then for example for Peter ( )


The other results can be found in the CI column of the table. For more complicated examples, especially practical applications, software is required.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Grabisch, M., Marichal, J.-L., Mesiar, R. and E. Pap (2009): Aggregation Functions . Cambridge University Press
  2. Yager, RR (1988): On ordered weighted averaging aggregation operators in multi-criteria decision making , IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics 18, 183-190
  3. ^ Yager, RR and J. Kacprzyk (1997): The Ordered Weighted Averaging Operators: Theory and Application , Kluwer
  4. Simon James (2016): An Introduction to Data Analysis using Aggregation Functions in R , Springer