Choquet integral

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The French mathematician Gustave Choquet is the creator of the Choquet integral named after him . In contrast to the Lebesgue integral , which defines the integration on arbitrary measurement spaces , no measures are used for the Choquet integral, only capacities . Choquet integrals are needed e.g. B. decision theory , the cooperative game theory , the utility theory , the data processing (for construction of aggregation functions ).


Let be the basic set , a nonnegative real-valued function and a measure . The Lebesgue integral is well defined. Then the Lebesgue integral has the following representation as a Riemann integral :


If you replace the measure by a capacitance in this representation , you already have the definition of the Choquet integral for nonnegative functions.


Now let be a real-valued function, a set of subsets of and a capacity. The function is measurable, i.e. H.


Then this is Choquet integral of regard. Follows by Riemann integrals defined:


For positives this reduces to



See e.g. B. For applies (monotony). For is (positive homogeneity).

I. general the Choquet integral is not additive , i.e. H.

If 2 is monotonic then the Choquet integral is superadditive; H.


If 2 is alternating , then the Choquet integral is subadditive; H. in the last inequality applies .

Discrete Choquet integral

See e.g. B. Let and be a nonnegative function with the values . Denote the function values ​​ordered according to size, i. H.


Since in the discrete case the defining Riemann integral degenerates into a sum, it results



Discrete Choquet integrals are a flexible means of aggregating interacting criteria , see. In this case there are a lot of criteria with the characteristics . These criteria should be summarized (aggregated) into a (global) criterion by means of suitable averaging . The discrete Choquet integral forms such a mean:

By super-additive (subadditive) can synergies ( redundancy effects are considered among the criteria).

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Choquet, G. (1953). Theory of capacities . Ann.Inst.Fourier, Grenoble, 131-295 doi: 10.5802 / aif.53
  2. Denneberg, D. (1994): Non-additive Measure and Integral . Kluwer, Dordrecht
  3. Grabisch, M., Murofushi, T. and M. Sugeno (eds) (2000). Fuzzy Measures and Integrals - Theory and Applications . Physica publishing house
  4. a b Grabisch, M., Marichal, J.-L., Mesiar, R. and E. Pap (2009): Aggregation Functions . Cambridge University Press