Air Touch Window

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The Air Touch Window is an interactive form of digital shop window design and is therefore part of outdoor advertising . Shop window surfaces, but also glass projection surfaces, can be used as Air Touch Windows.

System components

The components of the Air Touch Windows are a glued glass surface, a projector , which ensures the projection of the desired content onto the glass surface, and a camera system. The camera system consists of an infrared camera that captures the movements, and optionally a second camera that is responsible for measuring data such as eye contact, gender recognition, etc. The rear projection foil, which serves as a projection surface, creates a smooth surface in contrast to a canvas. Repeated use is possible thanks to the simple attachment and removal of the film. Due to the different sizes of the rear projection film, presentation areas of up to 3 by 2 meters are possible.


The infrared camera converts the movements of passers-by into actions on the projection surface. By defining certain area sections beforehand, the movements of the passers-by are converted into defined actions. This technology eliminates the need to use a joystick or mouse to control the content. Touching the surface is also superfluous. Strong sunlight can sometimes make it necessary to cover the infrared camera with a dark cover, as excessive sunlight can interfere with the detection of the lens. The second camera can be used to measure success based on factors determined in advance, such as the attention or gender of the passers-by. Based on facial recognition features, the system is able to differentiate between male and female and, depending on the result, play the appropriate content. However, this system is fraught with an error rate, since it is not possible to make 100% correct statements about gender. A computer system, which is responsible for storing the content and data feed of the projector, makes it possible to upload and run new content regardless of location via Internet access. Access to the success measurement data is also possible.

operation area

The Air Touch Window belongs to the genus of out-of-home media , as these media are used outside of the home and are primarily aimed at mobile target groups. The system only works through the movement and mobility of the target group . The main area of ​​application of the Air Touch Window is in shop window design. The large glass surfaces are best for attaching the rear projection film. At the same time, the Air Touch Window can also be used here by installing larger glass surfaces within the business premises. Use in the event area is also possible, as transportable glass surfaces can be set up anywhere. The flexible rear projection film can be removed again without leaving any residue and thus enables flexible use as an interactive event medium.


The content of the Air Touch Window is mostly based on a specific content that supports the purchase decision , but is also intended to promote product awareness. Product and brand-specific content is usually conveyed in a playful way, in that the advertising elements are incorporated into the action or the process similar to the product placement . Participatory elements that actively involve passers-by in the action also convey the information in a playful way, whereby the information does not have to be packaged here, but can also be presented in concrete terms. Thanks to the flexible content creation, even entire corporate identity templates of the company or brand can be included and implemented. The target group-specific content can be precisely adapted to the existing requirements. For example, by recognizing whether the passer-by is male or female or to which age group he belongs, different content can be played for a single product. The content itself can be in the form of films, presentations, interactive applications such as B. Play or consist of a combination of these forms.

Integration into the cross-media mix

Due to its properties, the Air Touch Window is used as an event tool for networking with other instruments of communication policy. The aim is to increase the level of awareness of the company or the brand, to achieve certain image goals and to present dialog orientation, but also to positively influence the purchase decision at the point of sale . The Air Touch Window can be equipped with audio, as well as with Bluetooth transmitters and print. The focus is on the experience-oriented form of this type of advertising. The approach in retail is aimed at potential and actual consumers, but can also be used to attract key customers at external company events.


  • Emile Aarts, James L. Crowley, Boris de Ruyter, Heinz Gerhäuser, Alexander Pflaum, Janina Schmidt, Reiner Wichert: Ambient Intelligence.
  • Christian Lindner: Avatars. Digital speakers for business and marketing.

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