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Airparif is an agency of the French Ministry of the Environment (since 2017 the Ministry of Ecological and Solidarity Transition ).

She is responsible for monitoring air quality and air pollution in the Île-de-France region . It was launched on April 23, 1979 by the Ministry of the Environment and the Île-de-France interdepartmental industrial directorate. The Ministry, the region and large industrial companies in the Paris agglomeration are involved in the financing .

Airparif is the abbreviation for the name of the organization Association Interdépartementale pour la gestion du Réseau automatique de surveillance de la Pollution Atmosphérique et d'Alerte en Région d'Île-de-France .

Airparif standardized the observation network and the evaluation of the data collected by the decentralized measuring stations . Before Airparif was founded, such air surveillance stations in the Île-de-France region were owned by the city council of Paris and the central laboratory of the prefecture of police, as well as the electricity company Électricité de France .

The organization’s tasks also include monitoring air pollution along large traffic routes, monitoring the effectiveness of measures to reduce air pollutants and informing the public about the state of the air in the region.

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