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Akshara ( Devanagari अक्षर) is a term from the Sanskrit , which for the Indian scriptures typical "write syllables" with inherent vowel called.

Translated, akshara means both a general syllable and a-kshara , which means "without destruction". In Vedanta parlance , akshara means "that which is eternal"; it is the combination of Atman (self) and Paramatman (supreme / absolute self).

In South Indian music , akshara , also aksharakala , is the smallest temporal unit and a quarter of a matra ( beat ) within the rhythmic structure called tala .

Akshara also stands for a certain rare tala , which is one of the 108 raga tala malika listed by the composer Ramaswamy Dikshitar (1735-1817) .

Individual evidence

  1. P. Sambamurthy: A Dictionary of South Indian Music and Musicians. Vol. 1 (A – F), The Indian Music Publishing House, Madras 1952, 2nd edition 1984, p. 10