Alessandro Ronzon

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Alessandro Ronzon was an Italian author .

Ronzon worked as a publisher of magazines (such as the half-yearly magazine “Panorama delle Arti” or the quarterly “Arti visive”) and of anthologies. In addition, he was responsible for the documentary Continenti in fiamme about the Second World War in 1956 as director and author. In 1945 he and Roberto Nonveiller founded the short-lived “Letteri e Arti - Rassegna mensile”, which was published in Venice .

Publications (selection)

  • 1962: I grandi musei: enciclopedia storico-artistica

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Entry of the film at the Archivio del Cinema Italiano
  2. ^ Roberto Poppi: Dizionario del cinema italiano. I registers. Rome, Gremese Editore 2002, p. 368
  3. ^ Carlo Emilio Gadda et al .: Carissimo Gianfranco . P. 74