Alexis Rosenbaum

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Alexis Rosenbaum (* 1969 in Paris ) is a French essayist . He received his doctorate from the University of Paris-Sorbonne after studying philosophy and psychology. He currently teaches at ParisTech.


Most of Rosenbaum's multidisciplinary work is devoted to the concept of hierarchy. L'ordre sacré ("The Sacred Order"), his first book, tells how hierarchical ideas influenced the history of Western philosophy. Rosenbaum emphasizes the importance of Platonic traditions, arguing that "stratification" is the predominant mode of comparison in ancient and medieval philosophy. He acknowledges the decline of hierarchical imagery during the European Renaissance, but believes that this decline is misleading as hierarchical representations have survived more discreetly since then. La peur de l'infériorité ("The Fear of Inferiority"), the analysis of which is more sociological, examines the historical changes in the processes of social comparison. The influence of Alfred Adler's thinking on this work is undeniable. Because of the expectation of personal success, the intensification of envy and the systematic use of social measurements, Rosenbaum argues that the subjects of "post-hierarchical" societies are constantly comparing one another and are prone to feelings of inferiority. In L'antisémitisme ("The Antisemitism") Rosenbaum tries to show how this ubiquitous social jealousy frames modern forms of anti-Semitism. In Memoires Vives (Lively memories) the question of the collective components of pride or humiliation is finally addressed. Based on social comparison theory, Rosenbaum claims that group history is an important resource for those looking to gain or regain their self-esteem. In this book, the emergence of competing memories in multicultural countries like France or the United States is used as an example of these processes of social comparison.


  • L'ordre sacré: les représentations hiérarchiques en philosophie , Paris, Desclée de Brouwer, 1999
  • La peur de l'infériorité: aperçus sur le régime moderne de la comparaison sociale , Paris, L'Harmattan, 2005
  • L'antisémitisme , Paris, Bréal, 2006
  • Mémoires vives: pourquoi les communautés instrumentalisent l'Histoire , Paris, Bourin, 2007
  • Dominants et dominés chez les animaux , Paris, Odile Jacob, 2015