Public Water Management Alliance

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Graffito on a water management structure in Freiburg

The Alliance of Public Water Management eV (AöW) is a German lobby organization for water and wastewater disposal companies that provide their services exclusively themselves or through independent institutions in public-law organizational forms.


The association was founded in 2007 by large municipal institutions and water management companies. Today it includes numerous public institutions and companies in the water supply and wastewater disposal, river basin management as well as association days and individual members.

The aim of the association is to promote and argue against the privatization of the drinking water supply or sewage disposal and to stand up for the interests of the members.


The association represents the interests of its members with a representation in the capital in Berlin. From here she comes into contact with government representatives, members of parliament, experts and also with journalists in order to promote her goals.

The association is present at trade fairs such as IFAT in Munich, Wasser Berlin International and the Demo Congress. In Berlin, the AöW provides information through press and public relations work.

In the working groups, specialist topics and amendments to the law are discussed and positions are developed in the interests of the members. The AöW is actively involved in legal advice.

Web links

Individual evidence
