Almenn turma

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Almenn turma was one of five previous volume measures in Iceland .

The Almenn tower can be converted as follows:

  • 1 Almenn turma = 120 Pottar = 116.4 liters (also 115.9 liters)
    • 1 pot = 0.97 liters


  • Jugoslavenski leksikografski zavod: Pomorska enciklopedija. Volume 3, Izdanje i naklada Leksikografskog zavoda FNRJ, Zagreb 1956, p. 469.
  • Peter Kurzweil: The Vieweg unit lexicon: formulas and terms from physics, chemistry and technology , Vieweg + Teubner Verlag, 1999, ISBN 978-3-52806-987-2 , pp. 28 and 193

Individual evidence

  1. Formula symbols. P. 29 , accessed on August 11, 2014 .