Aloisia Baumgartner

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Aloisia Baumgartner , married Aloisia Striebeck and Aloisia Raupp , ( June 9, 1864 - after 1898) was a German theater actress .


Baumgartner, the daughter of a flower manufacturer. was initially used in children's roles at the Munich Court Theater. In 1880 she came to the Hoftheater Darmstadt , followed by engagements in Aschaffenburg, Frankfurt an der Oder, Meiningen, Hamburg, Coburg and Danzig, until in 1899 she joined the Association of the Jubilee City Theater in Vienna.

First a popular “Maria Stuart”, “ Minna von Barnhelm ”, “July”, “Broni” ( The Perjurer ), she later moved into the older subject.

Her first marriage was to the actor and chief inspector of the Frankfurt am Main theater Ludwig Raupp (1845–1931), but this marriage ended in 1889. In her second marriage, she married the actor and chief inspector of the Frankfurt am Main theater, Elimar Striebeck .
