Alpine folk music competition

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The Alpine Folk Music Competition / Herma Haselsteiner Prize is the largest national music competition for Alpine folk music . It has been held in Innsbruck every two years since 1974 . The organizer is the Tyrolean Folk Music Association under the direction of Peter Margreiter. The competition with around 600 participants from all regions of the German-speaking Alpine countries is always held at the end of October in the Innsbruck Congress Center . It lasts four days, on the second and third day the rating games take place.

Goal of the competition

The Alpine Folk Music Competition / Herma Haselsteiner Prize aims to enable young singers and musicians from all over the Alpine region to experience musical encounters and to promote the singing and making music typical of the region.

Since it is primarily about motivating young singers and musicians in small groups, there is an age limit of 25 years for music groups and 30 years for singing groups. Families are exempt from this limit, as are group leaders. Experts from the Alpine region, both theoreticians and practitioners, are available to advise the competition participants.

Music to play

The majority of the songs and pieces (at least three) should be selected from the real, traditional folk music of the closer homeland. Newly created music, which has grown in the tradition of down-to-earth folk music and is modeled on it, can also be included.

In the area of ​​singing, in addition to songs and yodelling, ballads and Gstanzln (also with self-made lyrics) as well as sacred songs are welcome. When putting together the program, attention should be paid to variety in content, expression, character, tempo and cast. When registering for the competition, at least five pieces from the singing and musical material must be named.


Five juries with a total of 29 jurors, which correspond to the landscapes (Tyrol-South Tyrol, Bavaria, Allgäu-Swabia, Salzburg-Upper Austria, Lower Austria-Vienna-Burgenland, Styria-Carinthia-Slovenia-Friuli, Switzerland-Vorarlberg) judge the young singers and Musicians. Written ratings are given: “Excellent”, “Very Good”, “Good”, “Participated with Success”, “Participated”. Advice from the jury for the further musical work of the respective group is an important part of the written assessment.

From 2010 the Herma Haselsteiner Prize will be awarded. There is an earmarked cash prize that goes to the categories

  1. Singing groups or singing soloists
  2. singing families with parents and relatives
  3. singing siblings
  4. Instrumental soloists
  5. Instrumental groups
  6. Music-making families with parents and relatives
  7. siblings making music
  8. for special achievements as a jury prize

is awarded.

Supporting program

The welcoming evening with singing and making music together, a folk dance evening , as well as Gsungen and Gspielt , a festive closing service , the sales exhibition All about folk music and listening in Innsbruck - singing and making music in Innsbruck city center, form the comprehensive supporting program.

Participants, who were selected by the jury, take part in the festive evening on the evening of the third day. This final concert will be held in the Tyrolean hall of the Kongresshaus in front of a large audience and will also be recorded and broadcast by ORF for television and radio.

Web links