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The amusette ( French: amusette ) was a field gun with a very small caliber ( bullet weight about 0.5 kg ), which was used by the infantry (later also by dragoons ) and could fire iron and lead bullets.

The carriages of the amusettes were either connected to a limber or directly provided with a fork bar . Given the very low weight of these guns , a horse was sufficient to transport them. Because of their great agility, the amusettes were also suitable for mountain warfare .

For the first time amusettes were supposedly used by Moritz, Marshal of Saxony , then Count Wilhelm von Schaumburg-Lippe built them afterwards . They were then used in France, England, Denmark, Sweden and all over Germany. In France they revived in 1828 as Fusils de rempart , and Charles XV. von Sweden tried to compete with the Mitrailleusen with drawn 1½ pound amusements . The Prussian King Friedrich Wilhelm IV planned to revive the idea of ​​amusements with the help of the mobile needle stand rifle designed by Dreyse in Sömmerda .

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