American Oriental Series

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The American Oriental Series or American Oriental Society Series ( AOS Series ) is an English-language academic book series published by the American Oriental Society and held in New Haven, Conn., At American Oriental Soc. appears. The Monographs series has been published since 1924, the Essays series since 1961 and the Translations series since 1986.


American Oriental Series Monographs

  • 1. A Grammar of the Tagálog Language, the Chief Native Idiom of the Philippine Islands. Frank R. (Ringgold) Blake. 1925.
  • 2-3. Panchatantra . English and Sanskrit The Panchatantra reconstructed; an attempt to establish the lost original Sanskrit text of the most famous of Indian story-collections on the basis of the principal extant versions. Franklin Edgerton. 1924. Digitized I , II
  • 4. Murray B. Emeneau, tr., Jambhaladatta's Version of the Vetâlapañcavinsati. 1934.
  • 5. The Vocalization of the Egyptian Syllabic Orthography. WF Albright. 1934.
  • 8. A Grammar of the Phoenician Language. Zellig S. Harris. 1936. Paper.
  • 9. The Kashmirian Atharva Veda, Books 16 and 17. LeRoy C. Barret. 1936-40.
  • 10. Movable Property in the Nuzi Documents. Dorothy Cross. 1937.
  • 11. The Study of Human Abilities: The Jen wu chih of Liu Shao. John Shryock. 1938.
  • 12. A Census of Indic Manuscripts in the United States and Canada. Horace I. Poleman. 1938.
  • 13. Wei Shih Er Shih Lun: The Treatise in Twenty Stanzas on Representation-only by Vasubandhu. Ed. and tr. Clarence H. Hamilton. 1938.
  • 14. The Hittite Ritual of Tunnawi. Albrecht Goetze. 1938.
  • 15. The Basis of Israelite Marriage. Millar Burrows. 1938.
  • 16. Development of the Canaanite Dialects. Zellig S. Harris. 1939.
  • 17. Statesman, Patriot, and General in Ancient China: Three Shih Chi biographies of the Ch'in Dynasty (255-206 BC). Tr. Derk Bodde. 1940.
  • 18. The Kashmirian Atharva Veda, Books 19 and 20. LeRoy C. Barret. 1940.
  • 19. Al-Ibânah 'to Usûl ad-Diyânah (The Elucidation of Islam's Foundation). Tr. Walter C. Klein. 1940.
  • 22. Spiritual Authority and Temporal Power in the Indian Theory of Government. Ananda K. Coomaraswamy. 1942.
  • 23. Anthropological Biography of Negro Africa. HA Wieschoff. 1948.
  • 24. Palestinian Figurines in Relation to Certain Goddesses Known through Literature. James B. Pritchard. 1943.
  • 25. Nuzi Real Estate Transactions. Francis R. Steele. 1943.
  • 26. Ahmad b. at-Tayyib as-Sarahsî. Franz Rosenthal. 1943. Paper.
  • 27. Lu Hsiang-shan . A Twelfth Century Chinese Idealist Philosopher. Sui-Chi Huang. 1944.
  • 28. Gafat Documents: Records of a South-Ethiopic Language. Grammar, Text, and Commentary. Wolf Leslau. 1945. Paper.
  • 29. Mathematical Cuneiform Texts. O. Neugebauer and A. Sachs. 1945.
  • 30. Roots, Verb Forms and Primary Derivatives of the Sanskrit Language. William Dwight Whitney. 1945.
  • 31. Manhaj as-Sâlik: Abû Hayyân's Commentary on the Alfiyya of Ibn Mâlik. Ed. Sidney Glazer. 1947.
  • 32. Catalog of the Cuneiform Tablets of the Wilberforce Eames Babylonian Collection in the New York Public Library. A. Leo Oppenheim. 1948.
  • 33. Old Persian Grammar, Texts, Lexicon. Roland G. Kent. 2nd rev. ed. 1953.
  • 34. The Narrative of Bhoja (Bhojaprabandha). Ballâla of Benares and Louis H. Gray. 1950.
  • 35. Abû Ja'far Muhammad b. Jarîr al-Tabarî's The Reign of Al-Mu'tasim (833-842). Tr. Elma Martin. 1951.
  • 36. Early Hebrew Orthography: A Study of the Epigraphic Evidence. Frank Moore Cross and David Noel Freedman.
  • 37. Kassite Studies I: The Language of the Kassites. Kemal Balkans. 1954.
  • 38. The Idea of ​​History in the Ancient Near East. Ed. Robert C. Dentan. 1955.
  • 39. The Hab / piru. Moshe Greenberg. 1955.
  • 40. Index to JAOS, vols. 21 to 60. Compiled by Edward H. Schafer, Isidore Dyen, Helen E. Fernald and Harold W. Glidden. 1955.
  • 41. A Bushman Dictionary. Dorothea F Bleek. 1956.
  • 42. The Language of the Secret History of the Mongols. John Charles Street. 1957.
  • 43. Early Mesopotamian Royal Titles: A Philological and Historical Analysis. William W. Hello. 1957.
  • 44. The Hitopadesa and its Sources. Ludwik Sternbach. 1960.
  • 45. Heat in the Rig Veda and Atharva Veda. Chauncey J. Blair. 1961.
  • 46. ​​The Vasanta Vilasa. Ed. W. Norman Brown. 1962.
  • 47. Indological Studies in Honor of W. Norman Brown. Ed. Ernest Bender. 1962.
  • 48. The Huai-nan-tzu, Book Eleven: Behavior, Culture and the Cosmos. Benjamin E. Wallacker. 1962.
  • 49. Mandaic Incantation Texts. Edwin M. Yamauchi. 1967.
  • 50. Some Inscriptions of the Safaitic Bedouin. Willard Burbon Oxtoby. 1968.
  • 51. Alexander Hamilton (1762-1824): A Chapter in the Early History of Sanskrit Philology. Pink Rocher. 1968.
  • 52. Madurese Phonology and Morphology. Alan M. Stevens. 1968.
  • 53. Essays in Memory of EA Speiser. Ed. William W. Hello. 1968.
  • 54. A Nepali Version of the Vetâlapañcavimsati. Ed. and tr. Theodore Riccardi, Jr. 1971.
  • 55. Alimenta Hethaeorum: Food Production in Hittite Asia Minor. Harry A. Hoffner, Jr. 1974.
  • 56. Candramahârosana Tantra. Ed. and tr. Christopher S. George. 1974.
  • 57. Tawi Tales: Folktales from Jammu. Noriko Mayeda and W. Norman Brown. 1974.
  • 58. “The Footprints of the Buddha”: An Eighth-Century Old Japanese Poetic Sequence. Roy * Andrew Miller. 1975.
  • 59. The Case for Fricative Laterals in Proto-Semitic. Richard Steiner. 1975.
  • 60. Greek Wisdom Literature in Arabic Translation: A Study of the Graeco-Arabic Gnomologia. Dimitri Gutas. (Orig. Publ. 1975). Paperback reprint, with a new Foreword, including errata and corrections. 2016.
  • 61. Aspects of Versification in Sanskrit Lyric Poetry. Sheldon I. Pollock. 1977.
  • 62. The Merkabah in Rabbinic Literature. David J. Halperin. 1980.
  • 63. The Rigvedic Adityas. Joel Peter Brereton. 1981.
  • 64. A Neo-Aramaic Dialect of Kurdistan: Texts, Grammar, and Vocabulary. Georg Krotkoff. 1982.
  • 65. Studies in Literature from the Ancient Near East Dedicated to Samuel Noah Kramer. Ed. Jack M. Sasson. 1984.
  • 66. Islamic Revolution and Historical Memory: An Inquiry into the Art of 'Abbasid Apologetics. Jacob Lassner. 1986.
  • 67. Language, Literature, and History: Philological and Historical Studies Presented to Erica Reiner. Ed. Francesca Rochberg-Halton. 1987.
  • 68. Labor in the Ancient Near East. Ed. Marvin A. Powell. 1986.
  • 69. The Syntax and Semantics of Verb Morphology in Modern Aramaic. Robert D. Hoberman. 1989.
  • 70. A Muslim Philosopher on the Soul and Its Fate: Al-'Amiri's Kitab al-Amad 'ala l-abad. Everett K. Rowson. 1988.
  • 71. Tocharian Historical Phonology and Morphology. Douglas Q. Adams. 1988.
  • 72. Diglossia in Ancient Hebrew. Gary A. Rendsburg. 1990.
  • 73. The Salibhadra-Dhanna-Carita (The Tale of the Quest for Ultimate Release by Salibhadra and Dhanna): A Work in Old Gujarati. Ed. and tr., with a Grammatical Analysis and Glossary, Ernest Bender. 1992.
  • 74. The Early Dynastic List of Geographical Names. Douglas R. Frayne. 1992.
  • 75. Cuneiform Mathematical Texts as a Reflection of Everyday Life in Mesopotamia. Karen R. Nemet-Nejat. 1993.
  • 76. Animal Allegories in T'ang China. Madeline K. Spring. 1993.
  • 77, Wang An-Kuo's Jade Rewards and Millet Dream. Jonathan Pease. 1994.
  • 78. The Origin and Early Development of the Chinese Writing System. William G. Boltz. 1994; paperback repr.
  • 79. The Theology of Meaning: 'Abd al-Qahir al-Jurjani's Theory of Discourse. Margaret Larkin. 1995.
  • 80. On the Chronology of Sound Changes on Tocharian. Don rings. 1996.
  • 81. Aristocratic Violence and Holy War. Michael Bonner. 1996.
  • 82 and 83. Rgvedic Word Concordance, Pt. 1 and Pt. 2. Alexander Lubotsky. 1997.
  • 84. Studies on the Han Fu. Gong Kechang. 1997.
  • 85. The Stele Inscriptions of Ch'in Shih-Huang: Text and Ritual in Early Chinese Imperial Representation. Martin Kern. 2000.
  • 86. Incense at the Alter: Pioneering Sinologists and the Development of Classical Chinese Philology. David Honey. 2001.
  • 87. The Vrttivarttika or Commentary on the Functions of Words of Appaya Diksita. Edwin Gerow. 2001.
  • 88. Ritual and Politics in Ancient Mesopotamia. Ed. Barbara Nevling Porter. 2005.
  • 89. Nocturnal Ciphers: The Allusive Language of Dreams. Scott B. Noegel. 2007.
  • 90. Vedic Ideals of Sovereignty and the Poetics of Power. Theodore N. Proferes. 2007.
  • 91. Rebellions and Peripheries in the Cuneiform World. Ed. Seth Richardson. 2010.
  • 92. A Significant Season: Cai Yong (ca.133-192) and His Contemporaries. Mark Laurent Asselin. 2010.
  • 93. The Formation of Islamic Hermeneutics: How Sunni Legal Theorists Imagined a Revealed Law. David R. Vishanoff. 2011.
  • 94. Yang Xiong and the Pleasures of Reading and Classical Learning in China. Michael Nylan. 2011.
  • 95. The Sidat Sangara: Text, Translation, and Commentary. James W. Gair and WS Karunatillake. 2013.
  • 96. Crucifixion and Death as Spectacle: Umayyad Crucifixion in Its Late Antique Context. Sean W. Anthony. 2014.
  • 98. Viṣamapadavyākhyā: a Commentary on Bhaṭṭoji Dīkṣita's Śabdakaustubha attributed to Nāgeśabhaṭṭa. Edited by James W. Benson. 2015.

American Oriental Series Essays

  • 1. Grammatical Method in Panini: His Treatment of Sanskrit Present Stems. Betty Shefts. 1961. Pp. X + 45. Paper.
  • 2. Outline of KHMU Structure. William A. Smalley. 1961. Pp. Xix + 45. Paper.
  • 3. A Catalog of Arabic Manuscripts in the Oriental Institute of Chicago. Miroslav Krek. 1961. Pp. Ix + 46. Paper.
  • 4. A Sketch of Trukese Grammar. Isidore Dyen. 1964. Pp. X + 60. Paper.
  • 5. History of Egypt, an Extract from Abu l-Mahasin Ibn Taghri Birdi's Chronicle, Entitled Hawadith ad-Duhur fi Mada l-Ayyam wash-Shuhur (845-843 AH). Tr. William Popper. 1963. Pp. V + 60. Paper.
  • 6. The Dhayl in Medieval Arabic Historiography. Caesar E. Farah. 1967. Pp. 55. Paper.
  • 7. The Canaanite God Resep. William J. Fulco, SJ 1976. Pp. 71 with 1 plate. Paper.
  • 8. The Ugaritic Hippiatric Texts: A Critical Edition. C. Cohen and D. Sivan. 1983. Pp. 72. Paper.
  • 9. Form and Meaning of Yasna 33. Hanns-Peter Schmidt, with contributions by W. Lentz and S. Insler. 1985. Pp. 72. Paper.
  • 10. On Verbal Accentuation in the Rigveda. Jared S. Klein. 1992. Pp. Iv + 118. Paper.
  • 11. The Sumerian Poem Enmerkar and En-Suhkes-Ana Epic, Play, Or ?: Stage Craft at the Turn from the Third to the Second Millennium BC Claus Wilcke. 2012. pp. Ix + 119 papers.
  • 12. Is There Continuity between Persian and Caspian? Linguistic Relationships in the South-Central Alborz. Habib Borjian. 2013. Pp. 52. Paper.

American Oriental Society Translations

  • 1. Sumerian and Akkadian Royal Inscriptions, I: Pre-Sargonic Inscriptions. Jerrold S. Cooper. 1986. pp. X + 118.
  • 2. The Jewel-Necklace of Argument (The Vadaratnavali of Visnudasacarya). Edwin Gerow. 1990. pp. Xiv + 242.
  • 3. The Scroll of Exalted Kingship: Diwan Malkuta'Laita. Jorunn J. Buckley. 1993.

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