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Amphiphyten or amphibious plants , also litorale helophytes (shore plants) are plants that an intermediate position between hydro- occupy and helophytes. They are plants that can live as aquatic plants when the water level is high and as land plants without water .

A distinction is made between facultative amphiphytes; They live mainly in zones with strongly fluctuating water levels, their photosynthesis is restricted submerged. The obligatory amphiphytes are largely without a milieu focus. They form both aquatic and terrestrial forms and can assimilate permanently under water without any loss of performance.

Example for amphiphytes:

Example for vegetation classes of amphiphytes:

  • Littorelletea uniflorae (Strandling Society)
  • Isoeto-Nanojuncetea bufonii (dwarf rush society)


Individual evidence

  1. Heinz Ellenberg , Christoph Leuschner : Vegetation of Central Europe with the Alps in an ecological, dynamic and historical perspective. 6th, completely revised and greatly expanded edition. Ulmer, Stuttgart 2010, ISBN 978-3-8001-2824-2 , p. 521.
  2. ^ Frank Schwieger: Aquatic plants in flowing waters of the Lower Saxony Elbe region. NLWK series Volume 6, 2002, p. 18, online (PDF; 4 MB).