Office of Jemgum

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The Jemgum office was a historic administrative district of the Kingdom of Hanover . The superordinate administrative authority was the Landdrostei Aurich .


The office was formed by ordinance of June 24, 1817 from the Nieder-Reider-Land of the former office of Emden with the administrative bailiffs of Jemgum and Ditzum. 1859 was in the office Weener incorporated and went with this in 1884 in the district Weener on.


  • 1817: vacant
  • 1818–1826: David Leonhard Bluhm, bailiff
  • 1826–1832: Enno Friedrich Kempe, bailiff
  • 1832–1840: Ludwig Franzius, bailiff
  • 1841–1846: Georg Friedrich Schrader, Office Assessor (on request)
  • 1847–1859: Johann Friedrich Samuel Büttner, bailiff
