Official gate red

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The Amtspfortenrott is an institution of the Stadthäger Bürgererschützenfest and was founded in 1963 on the initiative of the Stadthäger photographer Gustav Klimmer. It went from the "2. Rott Obernstrasse ”and opened up to all citizens of the city, a novelty at the time. It was named after the official gate, a house built in 1553 at the south gate of the city, which served as the city's administration, court and prison building. In the year the Amtspfortenrott was founded, the half-timbered building housed a museum. It was extensively renovated from 1987 to 1992 and is today one of the city's landmarks with its wooden architecture and its magnificent rosettes on the gable ends.

The official gate yesterday ...
… and today.


The term Rott or Rotte refers to a row or group of soldiers. And there is the historical background.

In 1395 the dukes of Braunschweig-Lüneburg raided the city of Stadthagen. The attack was successfully repulsed in a street fight by a brave vigilante group, divided into Rotts or Rotten and equipped with long battle swords. This weapon success was celebrated annually on the return of the glorious day of remembrance and the celebration of the historic shooting festival still reminds of this today. The "victorious" men are entertained by their wives with food and drink.

The Rott in the founding year 1963

Red breakfast

The core of the Stadthäger Citizens' Rifle Festival is the Rottfrühstück, a purely men's event that is celebrated as a feast on three days a year in memory of and in honor of the battle from 1395 until today. The Rottmeister invites you to do this every year. In addition to the physical well-being, prepared and served by the partners of the so-called Rottbrüder, the focus is on talking and getting to know neighbors and friends. Brass music accompanies breakfast, not only does cool beer flow through men’s throats, but songs associated with home often sound out of them. Dieter Geißler, long-time Rottbruder, wrote a Rott song, which is only sung in the Amtspfortenrott, under the title: “It was in those days, in the beautiful city of Hagen, that the love of God spoke: I will give you the Amtspfortenrott”. In the Rott, all Rott brothers are equal. Origin and profession are irrelevant. You say goodbye. The red breakfast is a living tradition.

The specialty: The Amtspfortenrott is the only Rott in which the locally brewed beer of the label "Amtspforte" is served.

Shooter king

The Stadthäger citizen shooting festival doesn't know a shooting king, only the “BEST SHOT”. Every citizen is asked to put this in the rifle house during the event. In addition, the official gatekeeper crowns its own rifle king, who is traditionally determined on the Shooting Festival Friday by air rifle shooting among the Rott brothers. The three best shooters are given the honor of marching in the front row with the respective shooting chain around their necks.

Round march

The Rott breakfast is followed by a daily round march by all 15 Rotts through the city, who parade past a grandstand with the mayor and the city's dignitaries. The solemn clothing of the black suit, the white shirt, the bow in the Schaumburg colors and the black top hat are appropriate for the occasion. The Rottmeister steps forward and dignified his flower-adorned Rottlanze presents.

Many visitors to the city wonder why the Rott Brothers shouldered a wooden rifle on their march. This is reminiscent of the battle of 1395, in which the citizens of the city defended it defensively. Before 1922, people marched with real rifles. Today it's wooden guns.


The Röttbrüder of the Amtspfortenrotts also meet in the time outside of the historical shooting festival. B. to actively participate in local soccer tournaments as a red team, to the traditional kale meal every autumn and of course also to a shooting competition, where not only shooting with small caliber, but also with the crossbow.

Web links

Individual evidence

  • Heinrich Munk: Oh Hannes, wake up skin! , 2009