an · an

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an · an (also anan ) is a weekly Japanese fashion and beauty magazine for women from Magazin House .


In March 1970, anan was founded as an · an Elle Japon as a Japanese branch of the French fashion magazine Elle . In August 1982 a new Elle Japon was founded and an · an became an independent fashion magazine. It has been published every Wednesday since mid-August 2001.


The magazine is aimed at women between the ages of 10 and 30. It contains articles on fashion, personal care, nutrition, love, sex, behavior, and famous people. There are always a lot of surveys to be found in it. Often (especially Japanese and Korean) male stars are dedicated to leading articles in which they show a lot of skin and also address slippery topics in interviews. Until 2009, Anan organized the “popular and unpopular men” ranking ( 好 き な 男 ・ 嫌 い な 男 ラ ン キ ン グ , suki na otoko, kirai na otoko rankingu ), which also met with great interest in the men's world. Similarly, there was also a survey on “popular and unpopular women” ( 好 き な 女 ・ 嫌 い な 女 ラ ン キ ン グ , suki na onna, kirai na onna rankingu ).

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