Fishing high

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The fishing high was an elevation north of the village of Olvenstedt near Magdeburg . The elevation gained importance through a megalithic complex found there , the large stone grave Ebendorf .

The fishing high was north of Olvenstedt around the point where the highway from Olvenstedt to Ebendorf now crosses the A2 motorway . Geographical location (estimated): 52 ° 10 '25.9 "  N , 11 ° 34' 13.6"  O coordinates: 52 ° 10 '25.9 "  N , 11 ° 34' 13.6"  O . The name Angelhoch goes back to the Angles tribe , to whom the construction of the megalithic grave was ascribed.

In the village of Olvenstedt, which today belongs to Magdeburg, a street was named after the fishing high as the fishing high road .