Matching study

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When Angleichstudium is a special form of study to which it a bachelor's degree will allow graduates to study in a (consecutive) master's degree program, even if the required for the Master Program minimum amount of ECTS -Leistungspunkten from the first degree (usually Bachelorstudiengang ) cannot be proven. This allows z. B. Students who have completed a 6-semester bachelor's degree with 180 ECTS credit points continue their studies in a 3-semester master's degree with 90 ECTS credit points and still achieve the minimum amount of 300 ECTS credit points required in accordance with the requirements of the KMK for prove the master's level. The matching course thus closes the gap between the bachelor's and master's courses.


The study model “Matching Studies” was developed by the Bochum University of Applied Sciences and was first successfully accredited in 2010 in the field of architecture. It is now being used under the name “Bochumer Modell” at many other universities, particularly in North Rhine-Westphalia.


Students who cannot provide evidence of the required minimum number of ECTS credit points from their first degree will still be enrolled in the desired master’s degree for the equivalent degree. They are often required to provide evidence of the 30 ECTS credit points that are usually missing by the time they register for their master’s thesis. Other deadlines and further details may be specified in the relevant examination regulations. A time slot of one semester is usually made available for the matching study, in which the university offers the students specific courses, courses or project work so that the missing ECTS credit points do not have to be made up in parallel to the master’s degree.