Antoni Stolpe the Elder

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Antoni Stolpe (* in the 18th century; † January 5, 1821 in Warsaw ) was a Polish composer, pianist, conductor and music teacher.


After working as a piano teacher and pianist, Alojzy Stolpe's brother became one of the conductors of the Warsaw Society of Friends of Music in 1817, with whom he gave concerts in the Reduotensaal of the Volkstheater. From 1818 to 1819 he was director of Harmonie in the Masonic Lodge Bouclier du Nord in Krakow.

Only variations and finals in A minor for piano have survived of his compositions , an artistically mature and technically demanding work that he dedicated to his brother. A Polish March dedicated to General Karol Kniaziewicz , however, has not survived. On February 10, 1821, a memorial service was held in the St. Bernard Church in Warsaw in his honor.
