Anytos (son of Anthemion)

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Anytos ( ancient Greek Ἄνυτος Ánytos ) was an ancient Athenian businessman and politician.

Anytos was the son of Anthemion . He was a wealthy Athenian who worked in leather.

409 BC He was sent to Pylos as a strategos with a fleet , but on the way he was forced to turn back by storms.

He was exiled by the Thirty Oligarchy . Together with Thrasybulus he overthrew it in March 403 BC. Chr.

Anytos belonged to the circle of the philosopher Socrates and therefore appears as a figure in Plato's Meno . But then he fell out with Socrates and was 399 BC. With Meletus and Lykon one of the accusers in the process that led to Socrates' death. Reports according to which he was again exiled for this ( Diogenes Laertios ) or allegedly stoned to death in Herakleia on the Pontus ( Themistios ) were written centuries later and are therefore doubtful.



  1. See Debra Nails: The People of Plato. A Prosopography of Plato and Other Socratics. Hackett, Indianapolis 2002, p. 48.