Architectural model maker

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Model of a university campus made of wood and polystyrene

Architectural model maker ( French Maquettiste d'architecture , Italian Costruttore di plastici architettonici ) is a basic vocational training in Switzerland . The training lasts four years.


Architectural model makers create models of landscapes, towns, buildings, etc. They can also make models of technical devices, systems and machine parts. Various materials such as B. wood, cork, plaster of paris, plastics, textiles, cardboard and metal are used. CNC machines, rapid prototyping and similar processes are used for production to scale. For the finish, they use paints, fillers and application-specific adhesives.

The simplest models are cubic mass models made of wood or plastic in plain white. In other projects, on the other hand, extensive work is carried out on the models, ranging from color to interior fittings and lighting. Architectural model makers work in architectural model making companies. Affiliation with architectural offices is possible, but rarely the case.


The vocational school is attended one day a week.

Situation on the job market

The situation on the labor market is difficult, the order situation depends on the economy in the construction industry. Many skilled workers switch to a related profession sooner or later.

Training opportunities

The further training and career opportunities within architectural model making are very limited, but the profession is an attractive springboard for a further career in art or technology.

Related professions

Higher technical School

  • Dipl. Techniker / in HF construction planning specializing in interior design
  • Dipl. Color designer HF

University of Applied Sciences

  • Bachelor of Arts (FH) in Architecture
  • Bachelor of Arts (FH) in product and industrial design
  • Bachelor of Science (FH) in spatial planning

Individual evidence


Web links