ArCon is a 2D - / 3D - CAD program for PCs and design, visualization and cost estimation is of construction projects of all kinds.
ArCon has extensive functions for planning construction projects and especially for presenting them in three dimensions. The 3D models can also be used to generate 2D plans and measurements. The program has various interfaces for data import and export to other CAD systems. The program versions ArCon + (the "+" indicates the professional versions) run under the Windows version current at the time of release and are downward compatible. The system requirements for the current version are at least Windows 7 for the operating system and 3D-capable, DirectX / OpenGL, 128 MB for the graphics cards (as of May 2014).
After the bankruptcy of the first developer mb Software AG in 2001, ArCon is further developed in two product lines. The product lines are called ArCon Eleco and ArCon planTEK. In addition, various "builder versions" are sold under the name ArCon , these have a severely limited range of functions compared to the professional versions. Depending on the version of the respective rights holder, a dongle may be used as a copy protection system. The versions of ArCon planTEK generally run without a copy protection system.
ArCon is also behind many house and garden planning programs such as B. RTL 3D software - use in 4 walls etc.