Areus (envoy)

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Areus was a Spartan politician in the 2nd century BC. Chr.

From 207 to 192 BC The tyrant Nabis ruled Sparta. He is said to have been very cruel and to have driven some residents into exile. Areus and Alkibiades had also fled into exile in Gythio . After Philopoimen had conquered Sparta, he had the walls razed, forced the city to join the Achaean League and gave them a new constitution. The exiles were able to return, but were not satisfied with the further circumstances. For this reason Areus and Alkibiades went to Lykortas , accused the Achaeans and demanded to be allowed to build a new city wall, to put their old laws back into force and to withdraw from the Achaean covenant. Lykortas, a follower of the Philopoimen, had no understanding for this and sentenced her to death.

A short time later Areus and Alcibiades went to Rome and accused the Achaeans. Appius Claudius Pulcher was entrusted with the matter. After listening to the arguments of both sides, he overturned the death sentence. He allowed the Spartans to build a fortification again and to use their old laws again. You had to remain a member of the Achaean League, but you were allowed to send your own embassy to Rome.


Individual evidence

  1. Titus Livius , Ab urbe condita 39, 35–37.
  2. ^ Pausanias , Travels in Greece 7, 8, 4 - 7, 9, 6.
  3. Polybios , Historíai 22, 11-12; 23, 4.