Argentine Film Days

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The Argentine Film Festival was the largest Argentine film festival in Germany and has been held annually in Leipzig since 2007 . Argentinian films and co-productions were shown in the original language with subtitles. Up to 78 films were presented in different sections in 2009.

The festival is supported by the Sudaca e. V. The festival director is Diego Serra. Partners are the Argentine film institute INCAA and the Argentine embassy.


Films: "Cama adrentro" by Jorge Gaggero, "Bar el chino" by Daniel Burak, "Perro amarillo" by Javier Van de Couter, "La cruz del sur" by Pablo Reyero, "Habitación disponible" by E.Ponce / M. Burd / D.Gachassin, "Porno" by Homero Cirelli, "No tan nuestras" by Ramiro Longo, "Summer" by Julio Iammarino, "Vida en Falcon", "Lo llevo en la sangre" by Pablo Perez, "Ladrones de la corona "by Nicolas Vetromile and" Album familiar "by Gonzálo Tobar.


In 2008, a jury and audience award were awarded for the first time. The winner of the jury award was the Uruguayan-Argentinian coproduction “La cáscara” by Carlos Ameglio . Lucía Puenzo's film "XXY" won the audience award .


The jury of the 3rd Argentine Film Festival decided on the feature film "Leonera" by Pablo Trapero as well as the short films "El empleo" by Santiago Bou Grasso and "Hoy no estoy" by Gustavo Taretto.

Second and third place in the competition for the best feature film were "Lluvia" by Paula Hernández and "La cámara oscura" by the director María Victoria Menis.

The audience award also went to the film "Leonera".


The winner of the jury award was the film "La invención de la carne" by Santiago Loza. The audience award went to the film "La tigra, Chaco" by Federico Godfrid and Juan Sasaín. The film “Olimpíadas” (2008) by Magalí Bayón received the jury award of the short film jury.

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