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Aribazos ( ancient Greek Ἀρἱβαζος ; † 245 BC ) was a governor of the Seleucids in the 3rd century BC. His name suggests Persian ancestry.

In the year 246/245 BC Aribazus officiated as governor (strategos) of the Seleucids in Cilicia ; this province had been taken from the Ptolemies a few years earlier in the second Syrian war . In that year, however, Ptolemy III. the recapture of this province after the outbreak of the third Syrian war (Laodike war) . During the fighting, Aribazos had planned the transport of 1,500 talents in silver from Seleucia on Kalykadnos to the Queen Mother Laodike in Ephesus . This project was prevented after the arrival of a Ptolemaic fleet, whereupon it happened in Soloicame to an anti-Seleucid uprising that forced Aribazus to flee Cilicia. While crossing the Tauros he was beheaded by locals who gave his head to Ptolemy III who was staying in Antioch . sent.

As a result of the third Syrian war, Cilicia became Ptolemaic again; Ptolemy III put his confidante Antiochus there as governor.


  • CP Jones, Christian Habicht : A Hellenistic Inscription from Arsinoe in Cilicia . In: Phoenix . Volume 43 (1989), pp. 317-346 (on Aribazos, p. 335).


  1. Papyrus from Gourob, FGrHist. 160 F1 = JP Mahaffy, JG Smyly: The Flinders Petrie Papyri, Vol. II (1893), No. 45.
  2. Porphyrios FGrHist. 260 F43.