Aristeides of Thebes II

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Aristeides von Thebes II (active in Thebes in the 2nd half of the 4th century BC) was a Greek painter. He was possibly a grandson or great-grandson of the painter Aristeides of Thebes I , he was a pupil of his father Nicomachus . He was a contemporary of Apelles and was considered a master in depicting human emotions and passions. He was a skilled painter and was highly valued. A scene from a battle painting depicting the conquest of a city is particularly famous . In this scene a child was seen crawling towards its dying mother's breast. Another battle painting is said to have included 100 figures. He also created numerous portraits, of which that of a tragic actor was particularly famous.

Aristeides from Thebes was mentioned by Pliny in his Naturalis historia 35, 98-110.
