Arkadij Davidowitsch

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Arkadij Davidowitsch

Arkadij Davidowitsch (actually Адольф Филиппович Фрейдберг, Adolf Filippowitsch Freudberg , born June 12, 1930 in Voronezh ) is a writer and author of more than 50,000 published aphorisms .


Arkadij Davidowitsch was born into a family of doctors: his father was a venereologist and his mother a pediatrician . And so, as the aphorist himself said, he was treated first by his mother and then by his father. During the time of the Soviet Union , Davidowitsch published in the magazine “ Krokodil ” under the pseudonyms “ Julius Caesar ”, “ Ernest Hemingway ”, “ Honoré de Balzac ”, “A. David, French writer ». Out of his own pocket, the author paid for the publication of more than two dozen collections under the overall title "Laws of Existence, including Non-Existence". In 1976 he founded the Aphorism Museum in Voronezh together with the artist Valentina Zolotyx.

As for the number of aphorisms he found in the books «Anthology of Wisdom», «Anthology of Aphoristic Thought», «The Great Book of Aphorisms», «The New Book of Aphorisms», «Wisdom in Russia. From Wladimir Monomakh to Today »published, Davidowitsch has the absolute lead and far behind such outstanding authors as Stanisław Jerzy Lec , Friedrich Nietzsche , Leo Tolstoy , Arthur Schopenhauer and other great thinkers. Davidovich is one of the authors of the Russian Humanitarian Society's magazine «Common Sense».

On May 29, 2015 the presentation of the book “Je suis Davidowitz” took place, which contains a collection of selected aphorisms by the author in different languages, including German, Farsi, Hindi, Hebrew, Greek, English, Italian, Spanish, Georgian, Polish, Hungarian. The idea of ​​the book in ten languages ​​was inspired by the ten strings on King David 's psaltery . Another source of inspiration was the famous Rosette Stone , with the help of which the ancient Egyptian script was deciphered. The task of identifying general anthropological thought patterns was solved by compiling the aphorisms in ten languages ​​from different language families and groups.


  • Аркадий Давидович: Конец света закончится хорошо, афоризмы с увлекательными рисунками Виктора Коваля . Эксмо, Москва 2010, ISBN 978-5-699-41806-0 ( Konez swjeta zakontschitsja choroscho, The end of the world ends well, aphorisms with fascinating pictures by Victor Koval , Eksmo, Moscow 2010).
  • Je suis Davidowitz , 2015

Individual evidence

  1. "Je suis Davidowitz" - в Воронеже представили книгу знаменитого афориста ( The book of the famous aphotist was presented in Voronezh ) , ИА REGNUM, 30. May 2015