Assad Salihi

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Assad Salihi 2016

Assad Salihi ( Arabic ارشد صالحي, Turkish Erşet Salihi ; * 1959 in Musalla district of Kirkuk ) has been a member of the Iraqi Parliament since 2010 and, since May 2011, Chairman of the Turkmen Front of Iraq as the successor to Sa'd ad-Din Arkidsch .


Assad Salihi attended elementary and middle school in his hometown of Kirkuk and studied from 1978 at the science faculty of Baghdad University . Because of his commitment to the interests of the Turkmen , he was imprisoned under the Ba'ath government from 1979 for nine years in the notorious Abu Graib prison . His brother was executed and his family was deported to southern Iraq.

After the fall of Saddam Hussein's regime in 2003, he was representative for Syria within the Turkmen Front of Iraq for four years from 2004 . At a Turkmen Congress in 2008, he was elected chairman of the Kirkuk department. In the 2010 general election , Kirkuk was elected to the Iraqi Council of Representatives. In 2014 he became vice chairman of his party. Since the 2014 election , Salihi has also been chairman of the human rights committee in the Iraqi parliament.
