Species finder

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Species finder
founding 2011
founder KoNat
motto Observe, recognize, report and protect animals, plants and fungi.
owner Rhineland-Palatinate Nature and Environment Foundation
Website artenfinder.rlp.de

The ArtenFinder is an internet platform on which registered users collect observation data on native animals, plants and fungi, mainly in Rhineland-Palatinate and neighboring areas. Currently (as of 2020) around 17,000 different animal, plant and mushroom species can be reported in the ArtenFinder.

The project was founded in 2011 by the KoNat UG (coordination center for voluntarily recorded nature conservation data of the cooperating nature conservation associations). The partners of the non-profit KoNat UG are the BUND-Rhineland-Palatinate, the NABU-Rhineland-Palatinate, the POLLICHIA, Association for Nature Research and Land Care and the State of Rhineland-Palatinate, represented by the Ministry for the Environment, Agriculture, Food, Viticulture and Forests . With the resolution / meeting on December 6, 2019, the dissolution of KoNat UG was announced.

On January 1, 2020, the Foundation for Nature and Environment Rhineland-Plant took over the sponsorship and supervision of the ArtenFinder project due to the dissolution of the KoNat. The Foundation for Nature and Environment Rhineland-Palatinate is a foundation under public law. The tasks of the Foundation for Nature and Environment Rhineland-Palatinate include shaping sustainable development in Rhineland-Palatinate and its varied cultural landscape. To achieve this, the Foundation for Nature and Environment Rhineland-Palatinate supports projects that serve to preserve and develop nature and the environment as well as environmental education.

This objective can also be found in the ArtenFinder project, which primarily pursues two objectives.

  • To inform, motivate and guide citizens interested in nature, especially people interested in native animals and plants, to recognize protected species, to report them to the community project and thus to contribute to the research and protection of the flora and fauna (biodiversity) afford to.
  • To collect data from legally protected wild animals and plants in Rhineland-Palatinate together with citizens and to check the reports for their accuracy in order to then make them available to the official nature conservation authorities, the natural research associations and the nature conservation associations.

The ArtenFinder belongs to the citizen science projects or also citizen science projects . Most of the data is collected through the voluntary / non-profit participation of citizens and natural research associations. Similar projects are, for example, the nationwide and beyond reporting platform Naturgucker.de , with which the ArtenFinder works closely.

An important feature of the ArtenFinder compared to other online reporting portals in German-speaking countries is that the state, in the case of the ArtenFinder the state of Rhineland-Palatinate, is directly involved in the project and the platform. As a result, every registered user has the opportunity to actively and directly participate in the official nature conservation, because the data obtained by the species finder are transferred to the databases of the state of Rhineland-Palatinate after being checked by experts.

Since the start in spring 2011, around 3,400 people have participated in the ArtenFinder project with reports and collected around 650,000 individual reports from over 17,000 different species (as of 2020). The following table gives an overview of the individual reports per year.

Before 2010 8,452
2010 18,666
2011 39,781
2012 62,816
2013 50,928
2014 68,230
2015 74,860
2016 81,344
2017 94,462
2018 85,344
2019 63.153

Messages are also possible through an app. This was renewed in 2020 and is freely available to every registered user. Further information and current information on the species finder can be found online on the species finder website and on the Facebook page.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ArtenFinder Service Portal - Home . Website ArtenFinder. Retrieved August 25, 2014.
  2. a b species finder: animal and plant species. Retrieved June 13, 2020 .
  3. KoNat - species finder. Retrieved February 26, 2020 .
  4. KoNat - KoNat. Retrieved February 26, 2020 .
  5. E-letters - E-letters. Retrieved February 26, 2020 .
  6. Species finder. Retrieved February 26, 2020 .
  7. tasks. Retrieved February 26, 2020 .
  8. a b c d Röller, Oliver 1967-, coordination office for volunteer data of the cooperating nature conservation associations in Rhineland-Palatinate - KoNat Unternehmergesellschaft (limited liability): Citizen Science New opportunities for nature research and nature conservation in Germany . Pollichia, Neustadt an der Weinstrasse 2015, ISBN 978-3-925754-62-3 .
  9. Acquisitions. Retrieved February 26, 2020 .