Artificialism (psychology)

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The concept of artificialism , coined by Jean Piaget , describes a developmental psychological theory of egocentrism .

The term artificialism comes from the development theory of Jean Piaget. It is used by educators and development theorists to describe the behavior of children in what Jean Piaget calls the preoperational developmental stage, from two to seven years of age.

Artificialism is a sub-form of egocentrism and describes the assumption of a child about the creation of objects or things. Children assume that things are created artificially by human hands or - in the case of religiously raised children - by God.

A child who is in the phase of artificialism assumes that natural structures such as heaven, earth or the universe were made by humans. The parents play a special role here, who are perceived by the child as creators, or at least as (all) powerful co-creators of the world.
