Art investor

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Art investor

Area of ​​Expertise Art market
language German
publishing company Finanz Verlag GmbH (Germany)
First edition 2001
attitude 2014
Frequency of publication Six times a year
Sold edition 34,000 copies
Editor-in-chief Agnes D. Dabrowski
editor Dr. Frank-B. Werner, Edgar Quadt
Web link
ZDB 2051489-X

Artinvestor ( spelling : ARTINVESTOR ) was a German-language art market magazine published by Finanz Verlag GmbH in Munich. The magazine was discontinued in June 2014 and replaced by Artcollector magazine a year later .

The magazine appeared six times a year.


The Artinvestor magazine was founded at the suggestion of Edgar Quadt in November 2000 as the department of Finanz Verlag GmbH, a wholly owned subsidiary of Axel Springer AG . As the world's first trade journal for art and investment, it was intended to attract a high-quality readership for the publisher. The basis was the handbook Artinvestor - Art and Investment, developed by Edgar Quadt and Lothar Pues since 1998 and published in 2002 by FinanzBuch Verlag .

In May 2002, the then editor-in-chief Edgar Quadt and marketing manager Axel J. Zörkendöfer made a management buy-out, and artpartners GmbH was founded, which published the magazine until the end of 2011. In addition to the Artinvestor magazine, the Artseasons exhibition series on Mallorca and Cape Town / South Africa was launched in 2004, 2006 and 2007 with business partner Franz Prinz von Auersperg . It was an international contemporary art sales exhibition curated by Artinvestor in collaboration with a local patron. This resulted in the St. Moritz Art Masters in 2008 , which still take place in the Engadin at the end of August every year. Artinvestor is a founding partner of the St. Moritz Art Masters and provided operational support for the series of events twice.

Artinvestor sponsored exhibitions of young artists in Munich from 2005 onwards. In 2007 and 2008, in collaboration with the luxury company Richemont, English-language editions of Artinvestor were published in addition to the German edition. In 2008 Edgar Quadt also published the second handbook Artinvestor - How to successfully invest in art for FinanzBuch Verlag .

At the end of 2011, artpartners GmbH granted the license for the print brand Artinvestor to Finanz Verlag GmbH and sold its operational publishing business. Artinvestor first appeared as a bi-lingual magazine in German / English at the beginning of 2014.

The magazine was discontinued in June 2014. “We realized that the growth hopes associated with the takeover in Finanz Verlag could not be realized at Artinvestor . When it comes to the term Artinvestorden, many people unfortunately all too often refer to greedy profit junkies since the financial crisis and confuse investors with speculators. That is a shame as well as wrong, but a phenomenon that we have to accept, ”commented editor-in-chief Agnes D. Dabrowski on the attitude of Artinvestor . Nevertheless, the publisher is convinced that art and the art market will find sufficient and growing interest among people. For this reason, Finanz Verlag launched a new issue in June 2015, which is not only aimed at collectors and investors, but also anyone interested in art. Artcollector reports comprehensively on 120 pages on all areas of the art scene.


Artinvestor was divided into the following categories:

The column aims to inform the reader about the most important news from the art world and to announce major trade fairs, auctions and exhibitions. It also contains design and travel tips as well as interviews with personalities from the fields of art, fashion, technology and luxury.

In this section, Artinvestor prepares all topics related to collecting, such as how the work of art can best be preserved, stored and transported.

Here artists, both established and newcomers, are presented

Here, the reader can expect specific tips on buying works of art, getting into art funds or purchasing art stocks. A market check for a selected artist, whose price development the magazine wants to make transparent with graphics and sales figures, completes this analysis section.

This section is about
dealing . The reader gets an insight into the mechanisms of the art trade and the process of auctions. In the rankings placed here, he also learns who, for example, B. are currently the best gallery owners in the world.

Circulation statistics and target group

According to the publisher, with a print run of 34,000 copies, the magazine mainly reached educated women and men between 30 and 55 years of age with a high income. The core target group are managers and self-employed people from business, politics and culture who are interested in art, finance and investments. The magazine was distributed in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Luxembourg and Northern Italy and was offered through newsagents, subscription, bookshops and individual purchase.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Scott Reyburn: Galleries Cater to the Vacationing Art Collector in the New York Times on August 29, 2014, accessed December 1, 2014.