Arts Acre Foundation

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The Arts Acre Foundation is an Indian foundation that has set itself the goal of promoting art and culture in India with the construction of an art center in Calcutta and the idea of ​​an artists' village (a previous project in the north of Calcutta) in an ambitious, larger one Frame continues. The founder and driving force of the foundation is the Bengali artist Shuvaprasanna together with his wife Shipra Bhattacharya .

The large campus of the Arts Acre Foundation in New Town / Rajarhat, in the east of Calcutta, was opened in 2014 in the presence of Mamata Banerjee , Chief Minister of West Bengal, and numerous guests of honor. It includes museums, galleries, studios and workshops, a restoration laboratory, a large auditorium, an open-air stage , guest apartments and a restaurant.

Shuvaprasanna has been in close contact with artists in Germany for decades ( Obergrabenpresse ). This led to the first Indo-German Art Forum on the Campus of the Arts Acre Foundation in November 2017 , in which 10 German and 14 Indian artists took part. The forum was supported by the German Foreign Office , the Bavarian Ministry of Culture and the Society for German-Indian Cooperation .

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