Shipra Bhattacharya

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Amala Shankar , Shipra and Shuvaprasanna Bhattacharya - Kolkata on May 9, 2011

Shipra Bhattacharya (* 1954 in Kolkata , India ) is an Indian painter and sculptor.

She lives in Kolkata and had her first solo exhibition in 1981. This was followed by others in Kolkata (1988, 1995, 2002, 2004), Chennai (1988, 1989, 1993), Dubai (1997, 2002), New Delhi (1995, 2002, 2006) ), Bangalore (2003) and Palo Alto , USA (2006). Every year she is represented with works at group exhibitions in India. Her subjects are primarily figurative representations of mostly female people in scenic, urban or domestic surroundings, which give her pictures the third dimension. In her more recent works, she condenses her representations with decorative elements and diverse details that dissolve flat parts of the picture. She is married to the painter Shuvaprasanna . Both are co-founders of the Arts Acre Foundation , a foundation that has set itself the goal of promoting art and culture in India by building an art center in Kolkata.

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