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asch-Schamicha (also Al-Shamikha ; Arabic الشامخة, DMG aš-Šāmiḫa ; The majestic woman ) is the online women's magazine of the Islamist terror network Al-Qaeda . It first appeared in spring 2011.

According to its own statement, it is an Islamic jihadist women's magazine. The range of topics covered by the online magazine ranges from teachings about Sharia law , the wearing of the veil or burqa, to the propagation of martyrdom by female suicide bombers. The presentation of the propaganda magazine is based on western glossy fashion magazines.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Corinna Kübler: Al Quaida's women's magazine: Al Shamikha is the Cosmopolitan for Islamists University of the Media , May 23, 2011.
  2. ^ Jihadi Media outfit rolls out a terrorist ladymag , Wired , March 14, 2011
  3. Tomas Avenarius : For the jihadist of the world . In: Süddeutsche Zeitung , accessed on August 13, 2011.
  4. Julius Kavendish: Al-Qa'ida glossy advises women to cover up and marry a martyr . In: The Independent , accessed August 13, 2011.