Azerbaijani Legion

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Legion emblem

The Azerbaijani Legion was a major association of the German armed forces in World War II .

The unit was established as the Caucasian Mohammedan Legion (Muslim Caucasus Legion ) in December 1941 and renamed into two separate legions, the North Caucasian Legion and the Azerbaijani Legion, in 1942 . It consisted mainly of former prisoners of war from Azerbaijan, but also of volunteers from other peoples in the region. The unit was part of the so-called Eastern Legions .

Around 70,000 people served in the Legion in several battalions .


  • Georg Tessin: Associations and troops of the German Wehrmacht and Waffen SS in World War II 1939–1945. 20 vols. Osnabrück 1967 ff.
  • Walter Held: Associations and troops of the German Wehrmacht and Waffen-SS in World War II. A bibliography of German-language post-war literature. 5 vols. Osnabrück 1978 ff.
  • Joachim Hoffmann: The Eastern Legions 1941–1943. Turkotartars, Caucasians and Volga women in the German army. Freiburg 1976.
  • Albert Jeloschek and Friedrich Richter, Ehrenfried Schütte, Johannes Semmler: Volunteers from the Caucasus. Georgians & Chechens on the German side. “The Special Association of Miners” under Theo Oberländer. Graz, Stuttgart 2003.

Web links

Commons : Azerbaijani Legion  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files