
from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

With auctorum ( lat. , ', Abbreviated authors AUCt. ) Is in the botanical taxonomy a lack of certain species name in thus one which by authors for a type is used, not the type of the first description includes.

According to the ICBN , such an incorrectly defined name is used as a Latin name, followed by “auct. non descriptor of the type: reference of the incorrect description ”. The wrong assignment of Ficus stortophylla by De Wildeman & Durand to the species Ficus exasperata described by Vahl would be represented as “ F. exasperata auct. non Vahl: De Wildeman & Durand “(to be read as Ficus exasperata , not used by the authors De Wildeman & Durand in the sense of Vahl).

In addition, sensu means auct. ( sensu auctoris ) 'in the sense of the author'.
