Order advice center

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The order advice centers (ABST) are mainly joint service institutions of the German Chambers of Industry and Commerce ( IHKs ) and Chambers of Crafts ( HwKs ) and support companies in the preparation of offers for public clients both nationally and EU-wide. A large number of the offers are free of charge for member companies.

At the same time, the contract advisory offices are the "official" contact for procurement offices at the state and local level for questions relating to the award of public contracts. The allocation regulations can be found u. a. in the Act against Restraints of Competition (GWB), in the procurement ordinance (VgV), in the sector ordinance (SektVO), in the procurement and contract regulations for services (VOL) and the procurement and contract regulations for construction services (VOB). In a large number of regulations and guidelines of the federal and state governments, the role of the order advice centers is defined as a competition regulator and business promoting institution.

Offers from the order advice centers

  • Information about public procurement: GWB, VgV, SektVO, VOL / A and VOB / A
  • Advice to companies on participating in tenders, support in preparing offers
  • Advice to public clients in the planning and implementation of a tender
  • Registration of companies from industry, craft, trade and services in order to be able to nominate them to public clients in the context of open-market awarding and restricted tendering
  • Designation of suitable applicants as a service for clients who are looking for qualified companies in the context of market research prior to non-public tenders
  • Supporting companies in acquiring public contracts; these include B. information about published tenders, the implementation of research services in tender databases, tips on marketing strategies, etc.
  • VOL prequalification: Under the leadership of the DIHK, the ABSTn offer a certification system for the evidence from § 6 VOL / A and §§ 44 ff. VgV (www.pq-vol.de).
  • Conducting training courses and seminars in the field of public procurement for clients and contractors

Permanent conference of order advice centers

The Standing Conference of Order Advice Centers (STKA) is a voluntary association of German order advice centers. It enables close, cross-state cooperation. As part of the standing conference, the contract advice centers coordinate their activities and act with one voice when it comes to political questions about the procurement process. Since July 1, 2011, the STKA has been part of the Brandenburg eV order advice center. The spokesperson is Anja Theurer.

Web links

Order advice centers