Schools Abroad Act

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Basic data
Title: Law to promote German schools abroad
Short title: Schools Abroad Act
Abbreviation: ASchulG
Legal matter:
Issued on: August 26, 2013
( Federal Law Gazette I p. 3306 )
Entry into force on: 1st of January 2014
Weblink: Text of the ASchulG
Please note the note on the applicable legal version.

For the first time, the law on the promotion of German schools abroad ( Auslandsschulgesetz ) establishes a statutory right to promotion for German schools abroad with an average of at least twelve degrees per year, whereas until now the promotion has been a voluntary federal grant. Smaller German schools abroad and schools abroad that offer the German Language Diploma (DSD) can be funded by the federal government in accordance with §§ 17, 18 ASchulG in accordance with the grant law.

The funding is made up of financial, personal and voluntary funding and is stipulated in a funding contract between the federal authorities and the school authorities for a period of three years. This procedure leads to better planning security for the school authorities with regard to the scope of the funding. The Central Office for Schools Abroad is responsible .

Web links

Individual evidence