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Aztec. The Ultimate Man is the title of a comic series that appeared from 1996 to 1997 by the US publisher DC Comics .

The Aztek comics are genre-wise a mixture of science fiction comics and mystery comics and describe the adventures of a young doctor named Uno, who lives around himself on behalf of the Aztec god Quetzalcoatl in the United States at the end of the 20th century prepare for the approach of a mysterious end-time disaster.

Release dates

The idea for Aztek goes back to the two British comic book authors Grant Morrison and Mark Millar , who essentially worked out the concept for the series in 1995/1996. After DC Comics agreed to include the series in its program, Aztek was released as a ten-part series from August 1996 to May 1997. Morrison and Millar continued to act as authors, while the graphic implementation of their stories was taken care of by the illustrator N. Steven Harris.


Aztek centers on a young man named Uno, raised by an ominous South American organization called The Q-Society, which worships the Aztec god Quetzalcoatl. Equipped with a combat suit, which is a mixture of high-tech armor and an old Aztec costume, Uno, who now calls himself Aztek, is sent to the (fictional) city of Vanity City in the United States to attend to his arrival prepare for an end-time threat. The nature of this threat, which the Q-Foundation is committed to averting, remains unclear for the time being. According to hints, this is the mythical antagonist of Quetzalcoatl, the destructive god Tezcatlipoca .

In order not to attract further attention in the big city, Uno uses the cover identity of the doctor Dr. Curtis "Curt" Falconer and starts working at a local hospital. In order to be able to counter the approaching threat as effectively as possible, Aztek first undertakes a few preparatory adventures. His most important aid is the aforementioned armor, which gives him the ability to fly, to make himself invisible and to use four-dimensional energy as a weapon of attack and defense. Furthermore, thanks to the combat suit, Aztek has superhuman strength and agility.

After all, Aztek's encounter with Tezcatlipoca is not portrayed in his own series, but in the JLA series - also written by Morrison . Here, the supposed god Tezcatlipoca is identified as a millennia-old alien weapon called Maggedon. Aztek finally succeeds in destroying Maggedon with the help of Superman and the other main characters of the JLA , but he is killed in the process.


The ten issues of the series were reprinted as a paperback in 2008: