Citizen Cert

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The Bürger-CERT is a website that warns of malware and security gaps in computer programs. The Citizen CERT ( Computer Emergency Response Team ) is operated by the Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) for the target group of technically interested citizens and small businesses.

Tasks and offer

The Bürger-CERT analyzes and evaluates the security situation on the Internet around the clock and sends warning messages and security notices via newsletter if there is a specific need for action due to security gaps on the Internet. The Bürger-CERT operates three thematically divided newsletters:

  • "Technical warnings" newsletter
  • Newsletter "Safe • Informed"
  • Newsletter "Extra edition Safe • Informed"

All three newsletters can also be viewed on the website with history. On the website there are also some “help texts” as PDF files for downloading and a glossary of common computer terms relating to IT security.


The Bürger-CERT was started in 2006 as a joint project of the Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) and Mcert German Society for IT Security.

The project is financed by the public sector and business partners. Since June 2007, the services of the Bürger-CERT have been provided solely by the BSI.

Later, the Bürger-CERT was supplemented by a separate BSI website for citizens , because the information from the Bürger-CERT is aimed at those interested in technology, while the "BSI for Citizens" gives general behavioral and basic safety tips, also for non-technical people are immediately understandable and implementable.

Individual evidence

  1. See “We about us” on About us on, accessed on January 15, 2014

Web links