Civic community

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Citizens' community or communities of citizens was, according to §§ 266 to 273 of the ZGB-GDR, an association of citizens for the creation and maintenance of facilities and facilities for common use. Citizens' communities were founded in particular to jointly build and operate garage complexes and community antennas .


The community of citizens was established by a written contract, which had to contain in particular the purpose of the community. This contract was to be submitted to the responsible council of the district for approval. The Treaty was overall a fiduciary restricted assets formed, but the civil communities were not legally responsible . They were represented jointly by all contractual partners, unless the power of representation was assigned to individual persons in the joint agreement. Each contractual partner could withdraw from the community at any time and was thus entitled to payment of his share of the joint assets. The community was terminated when it had achieved its purpose, when it was established for a specific period or when the contract was canceled. Citizens' communities that existed at the time the Unification Treaty came into effect on October 3, 1990, continued to exist in the legal form of a society under civil law .

Individual evidence

  1. Schubel in ZGR 1993, p. 245.
