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The image-based digital surface model ( bDOM ) forms the earth's surface and the objects on it, such as B. Vegetation and buildings, in grid form. It is generated from the correlation of oriented aerial images (OLB) and the modeling of the resulting point clouds . It corresponds to a 2.5D point cloud. Each grid point (X, Y, Z) can also have a color value (RGBI).

The bDOM is created in the digital production process of True Orthophotos . The advantage of this is that objects towering in the area are not displayed tilted in the image. Blind spaces are avoided. Using aerotriangulation , the orientation parameters for stereo image models are first calculated, with which elevation points are derived from the aerial image data using image matching algorithms. The result is the image-based surface model (bDOM), which can be viewed as an independent product.

The relative position and height accuracy of a bDOM is primarily dependent on the quality of the orientation of the aerial images used. The height accuracy is 2 to 3 times the ground resolution of the image data on which the derivation is based. Image-based DOM can be small-scale or z. B. in the rhythm of the aerial survey of a land survey administration (usually every 2 or 3 years) are calculated. With a ground resolution of 20 cm ( AdV standard for digital orthophotos), bDOMs can be achieved with a nationwide height accuracy of 0.4 m to 0.6 m.

Individual evidence

  1. surface model | LGB_Startseite. Retrieved March 30, 2020 .
  2. AdV - Working Group of the Surveying Administration of the Federal Republic of Germany: Guideline for Quality Assurance of True Orthophotos (TrueDOP), as of February 20, 2019, Version 1.0 . Ed .: Geotopography Working Group (AK GT), c / o 20th February 2019.
  3. TLBG department: digital orthophoto as T rueDOP. Geoproxy Free State of Thuringia, January 14, 2019, accessed on March 30, 2020 .
  4. : Product and quality standard for digital orthophotos. In: . Working Group of the Surveying Administrations of the States of the Federal Republic of Germany (AdV), February 18, 2020, accessed on February 18, 2020 .