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Business Process Management in Multiple Dimensions , BPM for short-D and in German business process management with multiple views (dimensions) is a portion of the business process management . The BPM-D model is based on the principle that different departments work on the same process , which is only recorded once, but allows an individual user view of the process. In electronic implementation, this is done through user-specific settings. Different departments and people work on the same process, but only see the topics that are relevant to them.


Problem in corporate practice

The process orientation is the established approach to efficient organization and to make more agile and to improve the quality continuously. The management of the processes is very demanding and complex, as there are many stakeholder groups (management, employees, IT department) who need the same process in different forms and levels of detail. This often leads to several process models being developed for one and the same process. So there are z. B. one process in IT, one in QM, one for risk management / ICS in the finance department and one for workflow control. A consistent update to update the processes is difficult and hardly feasible. According to the 2012 Business Process Management Report by Software Initiative Deutschland (SID), 92% of the executives surveyed said that the most common problem with their current BPM solution was a large gap in understanding between the specialist department and the IT department.

Business process management in multiple dimensions

BPM-D pursues the goal of using a process model for the different stakeholder groups in the organization and preparing this according to their needs in different views (dimensions). With just one process model, changes can always be made on the same process model and are therefore consistently applied to all views (dimensions). Connections and dependencies between the dimensions become visible and can be coordinated with one another.


The BPM-D method was developed through the collaboration of an interest group consisting of academics and practitioners. It is a new way of looking at business process management (BPM) and solves the problem of inconsistent process management and difficult collaboration between different departments, such as B. Business department and IT. The result is a better alignment of business and IT as well as an increase in process understanding for everyone involved. Fewer process models, better networking and thus processes with consistent content create a common understanding and thus generate more efficiency and higher quality in the company.

See also