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Babania (emphasized on the long i) is the Rhaeto-Romanic word in the idiom Vallader for Epiphany and at the same time describes the customs associated with it in the villages of the Lower Engadine in the canton of Graubünden .


In Ardez the festival is celebrated on the first Saturday of January. Every girl in the village draws a boy in the morning. It is mandatory that the day and evening be spent with this boy regardless of personal sympathies. After a festive procession through the village, the highlight is the evening “bal da la schocca cotschna” (this alludes to the female Engadine festival costume, German: ball of the red skirt ), during which the couples play music together until midnight in the Hotel Aurora to dance.

Ftan and Sent

In Ftan and Sent it is customary on January 6th to carry the mobile objects that are stored around the house and not tidied away from the owner's place and to hide them within the village (Ftan) or to pile them up in the village square (Sent) . This is taken care of by the village youth who, as in a ritual and by virtue of the freedom of fools that they enjoy on this day, create order out of disorder and vice versa.


  • Fadrina Hofmann: “You feel like you're in a different time” , in: Die Südostschweiz from January 7, 2013, p. 5

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