Baldassare Carrari the Elder

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Baldassare Carrari , also Baldassare il Vecchio , was an Italian painter who worked in Forli around 1354 .

Baldassare Carrari is a painter mentioned by Paolo Bonoli in Forli in 1661 , whom he describes as the teacher of Melozzo da Forli . Since there is no evidence for this, it is now assumed that this information is an error or confusion. Instead, it is assumed that Baldassare was a contemporary of Giotto's pupil Guglielmo da Forli , called Organi, mentioned by Giorgio Vasari , and perhaps even was his pupil. But since there are no reliable documents and works by Baldassare other than the statement by Bonoli, August Schmarsow even disputed his existence in his Melozzo da Forli monograph. But apart from him, nobody else has spoken out so clearly against his existence. Cavacaselle and Calzini tried to assign him the fragment of a fresco from Santa Maria in Schiavone. However, this attribution must be viewed as hypothetical.


  • Paolo Bonoli: Istorie della città di Forlì. Forlì 1661.

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