Baldur piano and grand piano manufacture

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A Baldur grand piano
Factory building Baldur-Pianoforte-Fabrik AG
Baldur-Pianoforte-Fabrik AG shares of more than 1,000 marks on January 2, 1922

The Baldur piano and piano manufacturer was originally a manufacturer of pianos based in Wetzlar .


Ferdinand Schaaf founded the Ferd company in Wetzlar in 1866 . Schaaf ; he built table pianos. In 1872 Schaaf moved to Frankfurt am Main and worked there as a piano tuner. In 1875 he opened his piano factory in Frankfurt, called it Ferd from 1876 . Schaaf & Co and from 1897 shared the company property with Eduard Schaaf.

In 1906 the brand name Baldur was introduced, the company was called Baldur Pianoforte-Fabrik by Ferdinand Schaaf & Co. , from 1921 Baldur Pianofortefabrik AG . The director was W. Scharing.

The Frankfurt architect Ferdinand Kramer (1898–1985) designed a grand piano in the Bauhaus style for the Baldur piano manufacturer in the 1920s. By chance, the Historical Museum of the City of Frankfurt am Main recently bought such a rare grand piano.

In 1929 the company filed for bankruptcy and was taken over by JD Philipps & Sons , who continued to produce under the name Baldur until they went bankrupt in 1950.

Other brand names were: Balfa, Balding, Balden, EM Berdux (the former Frankfurt branch of the company V. Berdux Munich) and Deggendorf.
