Banque Raiffeisen

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Banque Raiffeisen
Country LuxembourgLuxembourg Luxembourg
Seat 4, rue Léon Laval
L-3372 Leudelange
legal form cooperative
founding 1926
Business dataTemplate: Infobox credit institute / maintenance / data out of dateTemplate: Infobox credit institute / maintenance / year missing
Total assets 7,222 million euros (2015)
Employee 609
Board Guy Hoffmann (President of the Management Board), John Bour (Vice President of the Management Board), Jean-Louis Barbier (Member of the Management Board), Yves Biewer (Member of the Management Board), Eric Peyer (Member of the Management Board)

The Banque Raiffeisen is a cooperative banking group in Luxembourg .


The first cooperative banks were founded in the 19th century, following the concept of Friedrich Wilhelm Raiffeisen and Hermann Schulze-Delitzsch , the founders of the first rural cooperative banks in Germany . Raiffeisen's first credit unions were founded in Luxembourg in 1925. At the beginning of 1926, the existing cash registers created the “Centrale des Caisses Raiffeisen luxembourgeoises”, which has been called Raiffeisenbank since 2001.

The Raiffeisen model developed very quickly, so that in 1970 the network had 138 tills across the country. Numerous Raiffeisen kassen, which offer their customers high quality services, have come together, so that the Raiffeisen group today consists of 13 Raiffeisen kassen, all of which have several sales outlets, as well as 11 branches that are directly dependent on the Raiffeisen bank.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Entry in the BIC directory at SWIFT
  2. Annual Report 2014 (French)

Coordinates: 49 ° 34 ′ 0.8 ″  N , 6 ° 4 ′ 55 ″  E